The decision to equip your employees with the right tools and information to be financially fit benefits their future, and that of your business. When financial stress is lifted, it can have a massive impact on a person’s productivity at work and improve morale.

Employee Benefits & Assistance
  • Benefit Consulting and implementation of new group Pension/Provident and Risk schemes.
  • Annual scheme reviews – analysing fund/scheme costs on behalf of the employer
  • Administration and monthly billing support, which takes the pressure off your payroll department
  • Providing newsflashes to employers and members notifying them on essential matters and new applicable legislation.
  • Annual/biannual member training days/presentations,
  • Annual delivery of member benefit statements – providing a question and answer service, in member sessions or on a one-to-one basis,
  • Providing a holistic service to all new members on joining a Fund/Scheme,
  • Personalised attention concerning withdrawals, retirement or death/funeral and disability claims
  • SARS assistance on claim related tax queries
  • Ensuring existing members are provided with payment letters and tax certificates,
  • Ad hoc member benefit statements on request by employees
  • Assisting members to complete medical requirements when necessary for underwriting purposes
Considerations to take into account
  • Are there existing employee benefits in place already?
  • What is your affordability as an employer?
  • How financially sound is the company?
  • What is the financial position of the company?
  • How many members will be affected by a new Fund?
  • Are there various member categories required?
  • Do you have various branches or pay points?
  • What is stipulated on employment contracts as retirement age?
  • How many Employees are in permanent employment?

  • What industry are your Employees part of?

  • What is the average salary of your Employees?

  • How much can they afford to contribute to a Scheme?

  • What degree of financial literacy do your Employees hold?

  • Are most Employees single or married and do they have children?

  • What is the average age demographic of the Employees?

  • Are many of the Employees within 5 to 10 years of retirement?

How do we go about creating a tailored Scheme for your business?

Added Value For Your Employees

Wellness Days

Financial uncertainty and stress can lead to serious problems among employees. Often employees are too embarrassed or afraid to face their money challenges, leaving them to fester and grow. Employee financial wellness days are the perfect opportunity to inform people that there is help out there – they just need to ask.

Small Group Consultations

Sharing is a part of the human experience, and creating a safe environment for people to discuss their financial goals and ambitions establishes a culture of financial wellness that both motivates and inspires. Our small group consultations are ideal for fostering a collaborative economic habitat that makes people feel OK to share their hopes and concerns.


Financial Wellness Program

Our personalised financial wellness training is geared for assisting the individuals in your business to develop their financial literacy and money management skills. Build a productive workplace by nurturing stability and personal wealth in the lives of your team.